class LC expr where
lam :: (expr → expr) → expr
app :: expr → expr → expr
Freely associating I came up with an idea how to simulate a limited form of duck typing for conditionals:
class Condition expr
toBool :: expr → Bool
cond :: expr → a → a → a
cond c th el = if toBool c then th else el
This would allow to retrofit many condition-like data types with this vocabulary.
, 0
, (Left _)
all could serve as false.Maybe I could even follow Conor McBride's advice and make the then and else arms of the conditional differently typed. Though I would need associated types for that.
Duck typing may turn out like a good idea in a statically typed language, when implemented this way. Another use case would be function application by the built-in juxtaposition syntax. It already means different things in different syntactic contexts, like function application or type (family) application. Idiom brackets come to my mind. Edward Kmett's
class looks like a good candidate for a related vocabulary. The typing rule would be implemented by an associated (injective) type family. Hopefully someday we'll see -XRebindableSyntax
for value-level application, that is type-directed.